Cloud Computing:
Cloud computing is a place where you can
store, access and process your data via Internet from anywhere. Rather than
managing files on local storage devices, Cloud Computing makes it possible to
store data over internet. To understand cloud computing in simple words let’s divide the cloud computing into two parts.
First computing means compute something with the help of processor and memory,
and second part cloud means anywhere and anytime. Cloud Computing is using
the internet to access someone’s else software running on someone’s else
hardware in someone’s else data center.
Now we can summarize what is cloud computing
• Running program or application over Internet
• Storing data over
• Renting Resource over internet
Several reasons
to use Cloud Computing:
• Massive
number of business sectors from all over the world are using cloud computing
today, is because of tremendous effect on cost saving. Yes, Cloud computing has
created forceful modification within the reduction of hardware and computer
code value and different server resources in addition
• We can run all our
workload data of applications and processes online over the internet remotely
instead of using physical hardware and software
• Daily issues related to server maintenance
or installation of software/ hardware or whether it is renewal or installation
of license, all those factors are undertaken via cloud computing service
• By using cloud technology, we can
access any data, applications whenever and wherever we want to, over the
internet. 100 of reconfigured applications may be installed and updated • Cloud
computing not, only store data remotely, but it also protects and recovers all
crashed or loss data, So, we don’t have to worry about crashed or loss of data.
A different
Example of Cloud Computing Services:
• Email Communication
Example — Gmail, outlook
• Social Networking
Example -Facebook, Twitter
• Dropbox
• Google drive ,One drive
• Apple iCloud
Advantages of Cloud Computing:
It is far better than
local storage device due to cloud computing user can easily check their emails
on any computer or native app and even user can store their date such as
document, photos and video by using cloud service such as google drive, and
drop box. Furthermore, cloud computing service also made it possible for user
to Back-up their file, photos and videos.
Disadvantages of Cloud Computing:
Although Cloud Computing has high storage
speed, efficiencies, and innovations there are naturally, risks. Security has
continually been an enormous concern with the cloud particularly once it
involves sensitive medical records and monetary data. While regulations force
cloud computing services to shore up their security, and compliance measures,
it remains an ongoing issue. Encryption protects important data. However, if
that encoding secret's lost, the information disappears.
Cloud Computing Certification:
You can easily do
following Cloud Computing Certifications: —
Google Certified
Professional Architect.( )
Microsoft Cloud Platform and Infrastructure.( )
CISCO Certified Network Associates Cloud. ( )
IBM Certified Solution Architecture
5) HP Expert in cloud certification.
6) VMWARE Cloud Certification.
7) EMC Cloud infrastructure, and service certification
Cloud Computing and its Certification
Reviewed by Maham's BLOG
July 31, 2019

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